Thursday, June 25, 2009

This and that.

Some pictures for your viewing pleasure as I prepare for the 2009 Mrs. New Jersey America Pageant, only three weeks away! I can't believe how fast this year has flown by. I recently attended a festival with local titleholders and spoke at a Women's Club, of which my dear grandmother was a member. It was so nice to see her friends with all their fond memories of Grams.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Not Too Late to Join the Fun!

The deadline for participating in the 2009 Mrs. New Jersey America Pageant is July 1st. You can download an application at

We recently welcomed new contestants at a workshop. Geri always makes sure her ladies are well-prepared to hit the stage. At this workshop, I got to see Mrs. New Jersey America 2005, Yvette Ludwig, and her husband Eric. Eric was kind enough to escort me onstage at the last pageant, so he's 2 for 2 at escorting Mrs. NJs! He should rent himself out! Anyway, it was good to see them both again - our Mrs. NJ's always stay part of the organization.

There are so many intelligent, caring, motivated, beautiful women competing this year. I would hate to be a judge! I can't wait to see which one of these great ladies will get to have the wonderful experience I've had as Mrs. New Jersey.

Memorial Day.

I was honored to participate in two Memorial Day Parades over the Memorial Day weekend. My dad was with me at the first parade, and as he is a Vietnam vet and VFW member, it was very special getting to spend that time with him in my hometown. Unfortunately, the rain stopped and started all day. As I was in a sweet borrowed 1969 Ford Mustang, we had to keep putting up and down the top. What follows is a story in pictures, taken by my sister, who was riding navigator in the passenger seat ...

The next day, I got to spend time in the county seat with the newly formed Belvidere Water Rescue team, made up of police, fire, and corrections officers. I even got to sit in the boat! And who is that handsome diver I'm posing with?

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Photo courtesy David M. Schofield,

Thanks to the Blue Claws for donning their pink jerseys (auctioned off for Komen for the Cure) and participating in a Komen Breast Cancer Awareness Day at the stadium. We were able to provide information to a lot of people this past Sunday. Komen for the Cure always organizes amazing, inspiring events, and I was so honored to walk around the field with survivors in the survivor and supporter parade. Thank you for sharing your positive outlook, and your stories.

Monday, May 4, 2009

The other side.

Had a wonderful time at a local auction two weekends ago. I was asked to show items during a charity auction. Lots of beautiful donated items and money going to great causes. I didn't want to take anything off, but was happy to help raise money for charity.

The next day I was honored to be a judge at the 2009 New Jersey Superteen pageant.

I must say thank you to all the judges I've had competing for Mrs. New Jersey! Being on the other side of the table is hard. The ladies were so enthusiastic, lovely, and well-spoken, I wanted to put a crown on each of their heads. Big congratulations to Caroline Strazzulo, who was crowned at the end of the night. Have a wonderful journey this year; you will learn so much about yourself!

It was fun to spend time with Christina (Mrs. NJA 2006, Superteen choreographer and tabulator) and Geri (Mrs. NJA 2003, Mrs. NJA director, Superteen host) as well!

Then yesterday I went down to South Jersey for an Irish festival and learned about NJ maritime history - I've always found maritime history fascinating after studying it in a graduate school class. It was the first year of an event I'm sure will keep getting bigger and more exciting. I was glad to be there for its inauguration.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Walking and being blown away ...

On the 29th, I met the rest of the lovely ladies already participating in this year's Mrs. New Jersey America Pageant. I don't know how the judges are going to pick who will be Mrs. New Jersey America 2009! All are smart, dedicated, accomplished, and beautiful. One of my favorite things about participating in the Mrs. New Jersey America Pageant was getting to know the other ladies during the course of the year. We're not only a pageant one weekend, we do charity work and appearances throughout the year, and really get to know each other at the wonderful workshops Geri holds to make sure we're all ready for pageant day and beyond. From walking and clothing selection to health and interview skills, it all gets covered in detail before you hit the stage.

Geri's still taking applications for this year's pageant, so check out our website at for more information.

Staying on my feet in platforms is easier than trying to get through the blustery winds the next weekend on my way to an appearance on the shore with sponsor Doc Smile. I was his guest at a Film Festival and had a great time on a windy day (we in NJ have been having a lot of those lately!). I thought I might blow away! But I made it inside just in time and met lots of interesting, artistic people from around the state. Here I am with the Doc Smile team:

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


The next morning, I was so happy to be able to participate in the Special Olympics of NJ's Basketball Tournament. Several local titleholders, Geri, Chuck, and I got to announce, keep score, color commentate, and run the scoreboard. Okay, I'll be honest - basketball is not my forte, so the others did that stuff, but I got to meet the kids and cheer. These children are honestly amazing - such great athletes with spirit beyond belief. And the parents and family members who were there, cheering on not only their kids, but all the kids on every team. And the referees and coaches who volunteer their time and energy. AAAAA-MAZING people, amazing program. I can't wait for the next event.

Kids today ...

... are amazingly savvy! I had the honor of being invited to the Harker School to speak about bullying and body image with 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders on March 27th. I know that 80% of 4th grade girls have been on a fad diet, and that bullying is a major issue for young people, but I was amazed at how open, honest, and real these children were when discussing these issues with me (and the counselors who were there as well). It's never too early to start talking to kids about these things, because they're seeing it in the media all over the place, and they want to discuss their feelings and be reassured by the adults in their lives.

After the talks, Geri and I participated in a National Singalong celebrating music in schools and were presented with a petition to be passed along to the MENC. A wonderful day.

But my day wasn't over yet. After the school day, I headed up to Bryn Athyn, PA, where I participated in a Gala Fundraiser for Cairnwood, a historic (and incredibly BEAUTIFUL) home. There was a roaring 20s theme, so flappers, gangsters, Gatsbys, and silent movie stars were all over the place. Lots of funds raised for restoration, as every single item (decorations, food, drink, etc.) was donated for the cause.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Women's Expo.

On the 21st, Mrs. Camden County 2009, Mrs. Somerset County 2009, and myself were guests at a Women's Expo. We met so many people, from little Girl Scouts (and their giant Tagalong mascot),

to choir members, to fellow dancers, to entrepeneurs, to a VERY interesting beekeeper (totally fascinating profession!) to TV celebrities!

Eric Stomer (from HGTV's "In Over Your Head," photo courtesy of even wore my crown!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Going Green.

Big thanks to Seaside Heights for having me out as a guest for their HUGE St. Patrick's Day parade. What a great crowd, and great weather, too! I rode in a stylin' Mustang loaned by Downs Ford - check out the pictures below!

Even Pablo needs primping to get ready for a parade.

With Ms. New Jersey and Delaware Senior America as we wait for the parade to get rolling.

Even the dogs get into the spirit at this parade!

Some of the great Seaside attractions behind me - we used to come down to Seaside Heights after the prom!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

When Irish Eyes are Smiling ...

The St. Patrick's Day Parades have begun! I was a guest at my first St. Patty's Day parade this Sunday, the first day of March. March certainly has "come in like a lion" this year, with a huge snowstorm hitting the northeast. It was a chilly parade, but we Irish (well, half Irish in my case) are tough! A little cold, wet wind won't stop our parades. Great, enthusiatic crowd and a perfect way to start off the St. Patty's season. I'm so looking forward to my mother's corned beef and cabbage, potatoes, and soda bread in two weekends. Even Pablo thinks it's the best!

With Buster, the Lakewood BlueClaws' fuzzy mascot!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I spent both days of the weekend in Pennsylvania as a guest at a great Sports Extravaganza and Wellness expo. I got to see fitness and bodybuilding competitions, an arm wrestling championship, strongman competitions, and a Karate championship. I met so many great people - many of whom grew up in NJ! Everywhere I go across the country, I always find other NJ people - we attract each other like magnets!

With my new fitness certification under my belt, it was also great to be surrounded by people in the fitness and wellness industry. I picked up some great tips and felt newly motivated to keep it all up. But my favorite thing to do at all of these events is to meet children - so many amazing smiling faces this weekend, and I was so happy to see how many of the children were participating in the martial arts aspect of the weekend - healthy diet and moderate exercise started at that age builds a lifetime of good habits.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Pump it Up!

This weekend I was very busy, although not "officially" as Mrs. New Jersey America - the crown definitely wouldn't have stayed on my head! To me, pageantry has always been about setting goals and reaching for them, pushing myself to become a better person - wife, daughter, friend, teacher, community member. One of the greatest things about pageantry is that it causes you to reflect on yourself, the person you want to be, and the causes important to your heart. I've been doing so much reflecting on my platform recently, and this weekend only added to that reflection. One of my goals this year was to achieve a fitness certification ... and I did this weekend! Thank you to all those who sent me good wishes in emails, texts, and their hearts. I needed that goodwill when I was pushing into the sixth straight hour that first day, let me tell you, and when I taught my practical test class today (after two staight hours of class participation first)!