Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I spent both days of the weekend in Pennsylvania as a guest at a great Sports Extravaganza and Wellness expo. I got to see fitness and bodybuilding competitions, an arm wrestling championship, strongman competitions, and a Karate championship. I met so many great people - many of whom grew up in NJ! Everywhere I go across the country, I always find other NJ people - we attract each other like magnets!

With my new fitness certification under my belt, it was also great to be surrounded by people in the fitness and wellness industry. I picked up some great tips and felt newly motivated to keep it all up. But my favorite thing to do at all of these events is to meet children - so many amazing smiling faces this weekend, and I was so happy to see how many of the children were participating in the martial arts aspect of the weekend - healthy diet and moderate exercise started at that age builds a lifetime of good habits.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's awesome! I went last year one day to help out etc...I don't think it was as big as you mentioned. Congrats on your certification! I definitely agree that you should always stive to set and reach goals, and being part of a pageant you always will have that will and determination be a part of you.