Thursday, August 28, 2008

Off campus!

Today was "evening gown day" at rehearsals. We learned the very tricky manuvering necessary to show off 51 ladies with trains on a stage with steps! For preliminaries, we won't be doing the opening number, but a swimsuit entrance (with sarong), all ladies will model swimwear (taking the sarongs off), all ladies will model evening gown, then all ladies will model state costume. At finals, we'll all do the opening number (in the wrap dresses), then only the top ten will model swimsuit and evening gown by themselves. In an unexpected twist, I have a lot of responsibility leading ladies in swimwear and evening gown, because I am the first person in the fourth group. The fifth group always stays on stage after modeling, so Mrs. New Mexico and I lead all the ladies back on for final comparative judging in both parts. We hope we don't mess it up! I am glad that I get to go first in my group - I'll already have been scored by the time I have to worry about "the shift" - moving over (or up or down) to take the place of your neighbor when she goes to model.

We're "off campus" tonight - first a tour of Tucson, then dinner at an Italian restaurant.

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