Sunday, August 24, 2008


Getting settled into beautiful Tucson! I've never been to Arizona before; I love the natural beauty of the landscape - cactii and an expanse of flatland framed by breathtaking mountains. The Loews Ventana Canyon is so wonderfully designed, at the base of the mountains, it looks like part of the landscape rather than detracting from it.

I am feeling a little jet lagged, I admit ... it's almost 11 pm back home, but only nearing 8 pm here. My roommate Shelley (Mrs. PA) and I had to eat at 4:30, we were so hungry from being on East Coast time! Staying up by waiting for one bag delayed in Dallas-Fort Worth - but it's safely on its way to me, and I had packed the essentials - evening gown, interview suit, and state costume in my carry-on, just in case!

No official Mrs. America activities until the welcome dinner tomorrow night, so I'm going to take a quick trip to the pool and spa to unwind in the morning, then glamming it up for dinner! I'm so excited to meet the rest of the ladies!

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