Tuesday, August 26, 2008

If they could see me now ...

Headed back into rehearsal with Frit and Frat (love them!!). We're doing 2 routines this year - singing and dancing to "If They Could See Me Now" and another dance routine we haven't started yet. To quote Mrs. Maine, "I can't carry a tune in a bucket under water," so I'm mostly mouthing the words. The routine is really cute so far, and we all got opening number wrap dresses in burnt orange, coral, pink, blue or dusty purple (that's mine) so we'll look like an Arizona sunset! Dinner with Mrs. America Organization president David Marmel tonight ... more soon!

1 comment:

Connie said...

Hey Parker, enjoying your pageant diary. How long before they have you TEACHING the dance routines? What a confidence booster to be the best dancer on stage, yes?...not to mention all your other best qualities. Tons of love, warm NJ hugs and have fun! Connie