Sunday, August 31, 2008


Interview went well yesterday, and now I sit here typing this with sopping wet hair and waiting for my tanning lotion to dry as I prepare for the other 50% of judging - swimsuit and evening gown tonight. I also get to show off my great George Washington costume (because NJ is "The Crossroads of the Revolution") lent to me (and made by!) Mrs. New Jersey America 2004 Christie Elders-Tighe. Excited!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Chatty McChaterson.

Interview today - we have five judges: a former Mrs. World, a representative from the MENC, the first Mrs. America of the Marmel era, a Broadway producer, and a member of the music group The Young Americans. I am in group 7, which goes into interview at 2:28 pm Tucson time.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Getting close.

Last night we were given some relaxation time, with a trip to the mall (but some of us convinced the bus driver to take us to Starbucks instead) and an Italian dinner. The chef is known as "Jersey Joe," so I felt right at home.

Today is the last day before competition starts. We got up very early to have breakfast and a lecture from the MENC about The National Anthem Project, which is a very exciting cause I'll talk more about later. Then rehearsals with Frit and Frat to block the opening for preliminaries. Tonight more rehearsals, and contestant gift exchange, then tomorrow interviews!! So important!!

I can't wait for my family's arrival!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Off campus!

Today was "evening gown day" at rehearsals. We learned the very tricky manuvering necessary to show off 51 ladies with trains on a stage with steps! For preliminaries, we won't be doing the opening number, but a swimsuit entrance (with sarong), all ladies will model swimwear (taking the sarongs off), all ladies will model evening gown, then all ladies will model state costume. At finals, we'll all do the opening number (in the wrap dresses), then only the top ten will model swimsuit and evening gown by themselves. In an unexpected twist, I have a lot of responsibility leading ladies in swimwear and evening gown, because I am the first person in the fourth group. The fifth group always stays on stage after modeling, so Mrs. New Mexico and I lead all the ladies back on for final comparative judging in both parts. We hope we don't mess it up! I am glad that I get to go first in my group - I'll already have been scored by the time I have to worry about "the shift" - moving over (or up or down) to take the place of your neighbor when she goes to model.

We're "off campus" tonight - first a tour of Tucson, then dinner at an Italian restaurant.

Fancy pants!

Last night was a formal dinner with the president of Loews Ventana Canyon. We presented him with state gifts as a small way to say thank you for the amazing experience we are being given here. The staff truly is the finest I have ever seen - so gracious and professional - they want to make us all feel like queens, and they do.

I presented a Lenox vase with a seashore theme, since Lenox is manufactured in New Jersey and we are known for our beautiful shoreline. There were a lot of sporting memorabilia gifts, so the president said mine was a great gift his wife could enjoy!

I love this shot of Shelley after the dinner, back in our room. We spend a lot of time trying to "get bars" on our phone due to our location in the beautiful mountains of Tucson!

Ta da! Here's a picture of our swimsuits - we had a photo shoot before the sun came up over the hills this morning - all 51 ladies in swimwear and hats!

Rehearsal this morning, then a tour of Tucson this afternoon - more pictures soon!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Big practice day.

We ran the routine a bunch of times this morning, finishing up the singing and dancing. All 51 of us will be performing the opening number for finals night - get ready, family!

We also got our swimsuits today - all the ladies will be in a red one piece Carol Wior. It's got a ruffled bustline, with a criss-crossed back. To go with the swimsuits we got red sarongs (the word has not come down yet if they are staying on on stage for preliminaries, or coming off) and big red sunhats (which we are not wearing on stage). We're going to be doing a swim photo shoot in the morning (6:15 AM!!), so tomorrow will be a long day.

After lunch we blocked swimsuit modeling and did a good enough job to get out a half hour early! Now getting ready for dinner with the president of Loews Ventana Canyon, where we will present him with gifts from our state. It's a formal night, so the ladies will all be dressed to the nines! Hopefully my hair will hold up in this monsoon!


Dinner in the Marmel's suite tonight ... what a fun evening. David and Elaine know a song for every state, and sang it for us while presenting us our Vera Bradley bags (perfect for keeping our new shoes and practice clothes in while we rehearse).

That's me and my roommate Shelley from PA - no, I'm not standing in a hole!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

If they could see me now ...

Headed back into rehearsal with Frit and Frat (love them!!). We're doing 2 routines this year - singing and dancing to "If They Could See Me Now" and another dance routine we haven't started yet. To quote Mrs. Maine, "I can't carry a tune in a bucket under water," so I'm mostly mouthing the words. The routine is really cute so far, and we all got opening number wrap dresses in burnt orange, coral, pink, blue or dusty purple (that's mine) so we'll look like an Arizona sunset! Dinner with Mrs. America Organization president David Marmel tonight ... more soon!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Gearing up ...

Last "free day" in Tucson before the Mrs. America experience really starts up. Tonight we have our orientation dinner with all 51 delegates. One by one, I'm meeting the ladies - went shopping today with Arkansas, North Carolina, and my roommate Pennsylvania. Amazing how much one can pack, and still miss a few things!

My bag arrived safe and sound from Dallas late last night (well, it wasn't late here, but it felt late since I was on East Coast time) with no harm done. I'm complete!

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Getting settled into beautiful Tucson! I've never been to Arizona before; I love the natural beauty of the landscape - cactii and an expanse of flatland framed by breathtaking mountains. The Loews Ventana Canyon is so wonderfully designed, at the base of the mountains, it looks like part of the landscape rather than detracting from it.

I am feeling a little jet lagged, I admit ... it's almost 11 pm back home, but only nearing 8 pm here. My roommate Shelley (Mrs. PA) and I had to eat at 4:30, we were so hungry from being on East Coast time! Staying up by waiting for one bag delayed in Dallas-Fort Worth - but it's safely on its way to me, and I had packed the essentials - evening gown, interview suit, and state costume in my carry-on, just in case!

No official Mrs. America activities until the welcome dinner tomorrow night, so I'm going to take a quick trip to the pool and spa to unwind in the morning, then glamming it up for dinner! I'm so excited to meet the rest of the ladies!

Saturday, August 23, 2008


It is my last night home in New Jersey before flying to Tucson, Arizona for the 32nd annual Mrs. America Pageant! Since winning the crown on June 28, 2008, I have been preparing (with the amazing guidance of Mrs. New Jersey America 2003, Mrs. America 3rd Runner-Up, and Mrs. New Jersey America Organization Director Geri Watson) for my trip to Mrs. America. I cannot wait to meet the 50 other delegates for what is sure to be the experience of a lifetime!

I will be posting updates throughout my 10 days in Tucson, and then of course throughout the next year. Thank you all for your endless support and good wishes. I hope to do the Garden State proud!