Monday, April 13, 2009

Walking and being blown away ...

On the 29th, I met the rest of the lovely ladies already participating in this year's Mrs. New Jersey America Pageant. I don't know how the judges are going to pick who will be Mrs. New Jersey America 2009! All are smart, dedicated, accomplished, and beautiful. One of my favorite things about participating in the Mrs. New Jersey America Pageant was getting to know the other ladies during the course of the year. We're not only a pageant one weekend, we do charity work and appearances throughout the year, and really get to know each other at the wonderful workshops Geri holds to make sure we're all ready for pageant day and beyond. From walking and clothing selection to health and interview skills, it all gets covered in detail before you hit the stage.

Geri's still taking applications for this year's pageant, so check out our website at for more information.

Staying on my feet in platforms is easier than trying to get through the blustery winds the next weekend on my way to an appearance on the shore with sponsor Doc Smile. I was his guest at a Film Festival and had a great time on a windy day (we in NJ have been having a lot of those lately!). I thought I might blow away! But I made it inside just in time and met lots of interesting, artistic people from around the state. Here I am with the Doc Smile team:

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


The next morning, I was so happy to be able to participate in the Special Olympics of NJ's Basketball Tournament. Several local titleholders, Geri, Chuck, and I got to announce, keep score, color commentate, and run the scoreboard. Okay, I'll be honest - basketball is not my forte, so the others did that stuff, but I got to meet the kids and cheer. These children are honestly amazing - such great athletes with spirit beyond belief. And the parents and family members who were there, cheering on not only their kids, but all the kids on every team. And the referees and coaches who volunteer their time and energy. AAAAA-MAZING people, amazing program. I can't wait for the next event.

Kids today ...

... are amazingly savvy! I had the honor of being invited to the Harker School to speak about bullying and body image with 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders on March 27th. I know that 80% of 4th grade girls have been on a fad diet, and that bullying is a major issue for young people, but I was amazed at how open, honest, and real these children were when discussing these issues with me (and the counselors who were there as well). It's never too early to start talking to kids about these things, because they're seeing it in the media all over the place, and they want to discuss their feelings and be reassured by the adults in their lives.

After the talks, Geri and I participated in a National Singalong celebrating music in schools and were presented with a petition to be passed along to the MENC. A wonderful day.

But my day wasn't over yet. After the school day, I headed up to Bryn Athyn, PA, where I participated in a Gala Fundraiser for Cairnwood, a historic (and incredibly BEAUTIFUL) home. There was a roaring 20s theme, so flappers, gangsters, Gatsbys, and silent movie stars were all over the place. Lots of funds raised for restoration, as every single item (decorations, food, drink, etc.) was donated for the cause.