Thursday, November 20, 2008

Atlantic City AND more pictures.

Back to work today after another convention in Atlantic City yesterday - again I met so many wonderful people from throughout the state and was shown such gracious hospitality by sponsor Carpet Showcase. Here I am with some local police officers from up north by me!

I seriously underestimated the amount of pictures I would be signing - I ran out within two hours, but luckily there was a copy center in the convention center, and Maurice saved the day by running off more copies in a jiffy! Every time I visit AC, I love it more and more - who needs Vegas when we've got all the attractions right here in New Jersey?! I see an AC birthday celebration in the near future. (Speaking of birthdays, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR GERI!)

By the way, when I get pictures, I often drop them in to the corresponding post, so scroll down for some new and improved pictures of recent events!

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